How to transfer files from Android to PC and vice versa without USB cable: 5 best and risk free ways

USB cables aside the fact that using them to transfer files is slow, they get destroyed quite easily and it is sometimes just annoying carrying them around. Transferring files without them is on the other hand handy  and you actually face no problems like broken cables and others. Do you just want to transfer files faster or you just hate the USB cable? Well, today I will be taking you through 5 ways you can transfer files from your android to your PC without using your USB cable. Maybe after this, you might never need the USB cable again.

Let's get started»»»
  • Using Torrent technology - No server upload:
    Torrent peer to peer connection technology is really great. Even Windows 10 updates will be delivered through the same process. well, the recommended app for this method of file sharing is BitTorrent Sync and for PC (Windows or Mac) and you are good to go. This app helps you use your computer as your cloud and download files from it anytime and anywhere.


I'll now guide you through the installation process and also through how to use this awesome app. For this tutorial, Windows PC will be used but the steps are same for Mac as well. 
  1. Launch the BitTorrent Sync on your PC and choose Standard Setup. Check the box agreeing to their terms and privacy policy and click Next
  2. Continue with the installation process until you are given a secret code. Take note of it and click Next to proceed. You're now done with the installation process let's now get to the Synchronizing side. 
  3. Now open the BitTorrent Sync on your computer and click the add a Sync folder button and a pop up will appear. In the folder secret section, click on generate in order to generate a pass code and later click on browse to select the folder in which you want Synchronize files between the devices. Click OK when you are done and a folder will be created and will be visible in the folders tab. 
  4. Right-click on the folder and select connect mobile device. A QR code will pop up with the message Scan this QR code with your mobile device to connect sync folders. You can choose to give your device a full access or a read only access. 
  5. Now launch the app on your phone and tap on the Folder icon with a plus
  6. BitTorrent will take you where you can choose the folder you'd like to sync on your phone. Tap on choose folder and select the folder you'd want to sync and thereafter, tap on Scan QR code and scan the QR code on your computer. Your phone will scan the QR code and return the secret code to your phone from the computer. 
  7. Now you can download and synchronize your files anytime into the same folders you created on your PC and Android.
  • Using SD card Adapter: This is one of the easiest methods of transferring files to your PC especially when you are in a "No WiFi" zone. Just remove  SD card from your device, insert it into an adapter and the insert the adapter into your PC. This might even be an easier way to fix your SD card if it has a little problem but unfortunately not all android devices allow SD cards .
  • Bluetooth:
    Using Bluetooth is also one of the methods. Just turn on the Bluetooth on your device and on your computer and you can begin your transfer. To be honest, using Bluetooth for file transfer is really slow.
  • Using shared WiFi:
    Using shared WiFi simply means your PC and Android device need to be on the same WiFi connection in order for the file transfer to take place. Airdroid the best for the job but ES File Explorer too does the file transfer. I prefer Airdroid to ES because of its ability to allow you take total control of your Android using a PC or even another mobile device even when you are not on the same network. Download the app from Playstore by clicking on the link in green above and I'll guide you through the rest.


  1. Open the app on your Android.
  2. Tap on file transfer when you are on the same WiFi and even if not, you can tether WiFi from your device and a code will appear.
  3. Open a browser on your PC and type the IP address you see on your android device in the address bar on your PC and click go.
  4. The app screen will appear on on your browser and a message will be sent to your Android device for you to accept and then you can have full control over your Android through your PC's browser
  5. Now click on the file type you want to send to your PC and click on download or you can click on the file type and click on upload to upload the file you want to send to your Android.
  •  Cloud Storage and Sharing: (Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive). Cloud storage is becoming more common now a days and I can't talk about wireless file transfer without adding it. Google Drive is really popular with 10GB free space, OneDrive gives you 15GB and Dropbox gives you 2GB  free space. An advantage of using this service is that you get to access all your files anywhere, anytime and on any device device provided you have internet connection. All you need is your login data.
Those are the best 5 ways to wirelessly transfer files from your Android device to your PC. It's now your turn to choose the one you prefer more.

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