Not long ago, there were rumors of Blackberry on the verge of releasing an Android phone. These rumors grew into a couple of leaks and later on as described by many media houses, "The failed review of the device" by the Blackberry CEO, John Chen.
Well, on 16th of October, 2015, an official hands on video popped up online. This 41 seconds video showcases the 5.4-inch QHD dual-curved AMOLED display in action. We also get to see how the 192g and (147×77.2mm) feels in real life. The main thing about this device is its physical keyboard. Though the man in the video seems to be able to use it comfortably, I can't really tell how good it is.
Well, on 16th of October, 2015, an official hands on video popped up online. This 41 seconds video showcases the 5.4-inch QHD dual-curved AMOLED display in action. We also get to see how the 192g and (147×77.2mm) feels in real life. The main thing about this device is its physical keyboard. Though the man in the video seems to be able to use it comfortably, I can't really tell how good it is.
Take a look at the video below.
What do you think of the Blackberry Priv, is it really going to hit the market big?