Google On The Move To Create A Password-Free Login System

"123456", "password", "android", "0000" are some of the most common passwords used by people all over the world - passwords can be really confusing no wonder we choose the easier ones which are easily guessed. Well, Google is trying to get rid of passwords forever.

Google on Tuesday confirmed it has invited a small group of users to help test a new password-free way to sign into their accounts. "'Pizza', 'password', and '123456' — your days are numbered," a Google spokesperson said in a statement.

The new system lets you verify your identity via your smartphone, according to Reddit user Rohit Paul, who first reported the experimental feature. It works like this: You go to log in to your Google account like normal, but instead of entering your email address and password, you provide just your email. Next, Google will provide a secret code — in Paul's case, the number 21 — and tell you to look at your phone.

The Web giant will then send a message to your phone asking if you're trying to sign in. If you answer "yes," you'll then need to provide the secret code on your phone and you'll be logged in immediately.

The test works on iOS and Android, and you can still log in with your regular typed password if you prefer, Google said.

Other companies such as Yahoo have already started the move to password-free using push notifications. There is much more hope with password free systems than passwords' - this is a saviour.

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