WhatsApp is the greatest messaging app in existence. Even though it has over the years had competition from apps like wechat, it has still been able to stand tall with improvements and added features with the latest being its call feature. WhatsApp has been built in such a way that using it is so easy and with the tricks I'm about to highlight on, it will even be easier and more fun.
- Backing up messages - As we all know, we sometimes end up deleting our very important messages mistakenly and wish to have them back. Or we just want to change our phone and we really need all our messages back. Well, it's not difficult to do that, all you need to do is to go to the WhatsApp Settings>Chat settings and tap on "back up chats". Note: WhatsApp automatically backs up every message at 4:00 in the morning.
- Check when your sent message was read - Sending messages without reply is really frustrating. Especially when you see that blue thick but you are still not getting your reply and you start to guess, "maybe he/she just finished reading it". Guess it's high time you knew how to check when your message was read. Long press on the message and tap on the button with an " 'i' in a circle" that pops up on the green bar.
- Hide last seen - Sometimes you just tap on the app and take a quick glance at your messages because you are very busy thus won't be able to reply your messages but the sad news is that whenever you do that, WhatsApp automatically stores that time as your last seen and making people who have sent you the message feel ignored whiles in reality, they're not. It's easy to fix this just by hiding your last seen. Just go to the WhatsApp Settings>Account>Privacy and tap "Last seen" . Now you can change who you want to view your last seen there.
- Select who sees your Profile photo and status - One way or the other, strangers end up having our phone numbers and get to see our profile photos and read a our status without us having any idea and sometimes it puts our lives at risk. This is not impossible to prevent. All you need to do is go to the WhatsApp Settings>Account>Privacy and tap either "Profile photo" or 'Status' to change who is allowed to view them.
- Know who read your message in a group - Sometimes you send a message or a string of messages in a group and then no one replies. Ouch, that hurts. You end up assuming no one is online. Don't just keep assuming; be sure. Long press the message you've sent and then tap on the button with an " 'i' in a circle" that pops up on the green bar. There you will be able to see those have read and those who have only received the messages with the exact time they did indicated.
- Hide blue thick - Blue thick sometimes just show up when you desperately need them not to. Those moments when you are too busy to reply but you are so tempted that you tapped on the message but before you know it, WhatsApp has already sent a "read status" to the sender. Omg, too bad. To save yourself the trouble, tap the WhatsApp Settings>Account>Privacy and then uncheck the "read receipts" box.
- Restore deleted messages - It just happens that we sometimes mistakenly end up deleting our messages. That is never the end for them. All you need to do is uninstall and reinstall the app and when setting it up, allow restore and that's it. You've got the messages back except the ones you sent/received after 4:00 that day. And if you've changed your phone and need your messages back, then you'll need to insert your SD card into the new phone before installing WhatsApp but if your new phone has not SD card slot, then you'll need to copy your WhatsApp folder from your file manager into the new phone's.
commentsThanks for the tips
ReplyIt's a pleasure.